Send us a message
You can always reach us by phone or email. Below you'll find our office number and email address.
our services
We will come to you when you don't have the upportunity to send us your equipment
We will come out to you when you do not have the opportunity to send in your communications equipment. On site, we troubleshoot the equipment and can then assess whether we can fix the problem immediately or whether the equipment should accompany us back to the office for reparation.
Karin leads SVB's service department and has been doing this since the autumn of 2011. Karin has over 25 years of experience in radio communication. Karin has a large number of educations and certificates and is ready to take on your challenges.
Bengt has worked at SVB since the winter of 2014 and has many years of experience in radio communication. Bengt touched his first radio in 1965 and interest has not waned since. What Bengt does not know about radio may not be worth knowing. Together with Karin, they create a complete service department that offers fast and safe service at a component level.
You can always reach us by phone or email. Below you'll find our office number and email address.
Motorola, hytera, 3m peltor, svb
We are a official partner to Motorola Solutions, a certified dealer for Hytera and 3M Peltor. We also have a large supply of our own S.V.B brand. Check out our products!